Shortened training with four electronic technicians for industrial engineering.

Four electronic technicians for industrial engineering in one go quit their apprenticeship at MINDA ahead of schedule and finish six months earlier than planned with good and very good results. Both the colleagues and the management are happy with them and congratulate the newly qualified journeymen on their graduation.

Erdan Saidov, Amir Hesam Fadakar Bani, Ali Ayo Rostam and Simon Genske with their trainer Benjamin Djawanshiri.

Relief can be seen on the faces of Erdan Saidov, Simon Genske, Amir Hesam Fadakar Bani and Ali Ayo Rostam. They are happy to have passed the tests well. Looking back, the last few months were very learning-intensive after they had applied for an early end of their apprenticeship. All of them had the required grade point average. Previous apprenticeships such as the “Abitur” or the technical baccalaureate were taken into account. Amir Hesam Fadakar Bani had already graduated from university in his Iranian homeland, but did not dare to accept MINDA's offer of practice-integrated studies because of the language barrier. 

All four are on the same page that their apprenticeship was very diversified. Right from the beginning, they did not only work in the control cabinet construction or in the upgrade division for control panels. They could even work on installations right away, i.e. from the work preparation until final shipping and thus became familiar with the complete process chain of an installation. They were allowed to start on their own, but did not have to be afraid to ask journeymen or trainers for help.
Block teaching enabled them to carry out installations at customers’ site from the 2nd apprenticeship year onwards. On the one hand, this increased their training salary, on the other hand they saw a lot of the world. Compared to other trainees, the four pointed out that they are very well paid during their apprenticeship at MINDA.
Working on a time account was also beneficial for everyone. It was possible to reduce extra hours individually in coordination with the trainer and use them for one's own leisure time.

The four electronic technicians appreciated the all-round support of their trainer Benjamin Djawanshiri. In preparation for the exam, they talked over the topics with him and solved the tasks independently. Existing deficits were promptly balanced. It was the unanimous opinion that "our trainer has experience with the final exams and knew exactly what matters". Also on Benjamin Djawanshiri's face one can see a satisfied grin when looking at "his boys".

The Corona pandemic also had a good thing. In the last few months, the "shorteners" had their theoretical training solely in the technical college. As a result, the exam preparation was more targeted and more time was available for learning.

The four new electronic technicians would like to seize the opportunity at MINDA to gain even more professional experience on sites, and also would like to go abroad. Erdan Saidov expressed his wish to take advantage of further trainings whereas Simon Genske plans to start studies in the near future.

In general, MINDA trains for its own needs and pursues the goal of keeping all trainees employed after their apprenticeship and granting them support with further training measures.

Here are a few tips for future MINDA trainees from our newly qualified electronic technicians:
Be prepared to work. Fun at work should, nevertheless, not be missing. Be prepared to travel. Moreover, do not feel too bad for any task and simply adapt to a new situation without hesitation.

Do you find yourselves here again? Then nothing stands in the way of your application!